Biomedical Imaging Publications

Biomedical imaging for equitable deep learning, regulatory science, and clinical research
Jenna Lester, Delfino J, Pai V, Shah P*
(*Senior author conceptualizing and leading the session)
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging

Digital reconstruction of teeth using near-infrared light
Keith Angelino, Yauney G, Rana A, Muftu A, Edlund D, Shah P*
(*Senior author supervising research)
41st IEEE International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference. DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2019.8857734

Wearable lab on body: combining sensing of biochemical and digital markers in a wearable device
Pat Pataranutaporn, Jain A, Johnson C, Shah P, Maes P
41st IEEE EMBC Conference. PMID: 31946594

Technology-enabled examinations of cardiac rhythm, optic nerve, oral health, tympanic membrane, gait and coordination evaluated jointly with routine health screenings: an observational study at the 2015 Kumbh Mela in India
Pratik Shah*†, Yauney G†, Gupta O, Patalano V, Mohit M, Merchant R, Subramanian SV
(*Senior author supervising research, †Contributed equally)
The British Medical Journal Open. PMID: 29678964

Clinical validation and assessment of a modular fluorescent imaging system and algorithm for rapid detection and quantification of dental plaque
Pratik Shah*†, Angelino K†, Edlund D, Mohit M, Yauney G
(*Senior author supervising research, †Contributed equally)
BMC Oral. PMID: 29284461

Detection of biomarkers of periodontal disease in human saliva using stabilized, vertical flow immunoassays
Emma Yee, Lathwal S, Shah P, Sikes H
ACS Sensors. PMID: 29090909

Near-infrared transillumination guides administration of dental 2D radiography and CBCT imaging
Keith Angelino, Edlund D, Bhatia G, Wu S, Shah P*♯
(*Senior author supervising research, ♯Selected for oral presentation)
17th annual IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering. DOI: 10.1109/BIBE.2017.00-33

Near-infrared imaging for detecting caries and structural deformities in teeth
Keith Angelino, Edlund D and Shah P*
(*Senior author supervising research)
Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine. PMID: 28507826

Design and preliminary evaluation of a wearable device for mass screening of sleep apnea
Rohan Puri, Athanasios A, Gill N, Sathya S, Rathod G, Wahi A, Satat G, Majmudar M, Shah P*
(*Senior author supervising research)
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. PMID: 28268691

Capturing the human body: from VR, consumer, to health applications
Hao Li, Lei W, Swedish T, Shah P, Raskar R
ACM SIGGRAPH Course. DOI: 10.1145/2897826.2927371